
Author: kelly618

  • The Parallel Universe of 0=1

    What happens if mathematicians prove that 0=1? How would this affect our lives and understanding of the world? Would it prove the existence of parallel universes where GPS signals are routed differently? I learned proof by contradiction in geometry class. The technique – proving a proposition was true by showing the opposite could never occur…

  • Origami Math

    Origami Math

    [latexpage] Fun Math for Girls By Kelly Tan Is origami one of your hobbies? It is a beautiful craft, and you can make so many models from a single sheet of paper. You can learn how to fold very easily, and make gifts for friends. Origami also lets you learn about math. Given a sheet…

  • Counting Money

    Counting Money

    Fun Math for Girls By Kelly Tan Do you enjoy going out with friends, having lunch, or watching movies? Usually you will spend money on these occasions. Sometimes you treat your friends, other times they pay for you. That is great. But you have to mind your money. Keeping track of your money is an…

  • Mini Colored Pencils Tutorial

    Mini Colored Pencils Tutorial

    Tutorial for how to make mini colored pencils! Not many materials are needed, but depending on the size you want your colored pencils, it could take a little patience to cut and paint it! Materials: – Skewer – Ruler – Small Paintbrush – X-acto Knife – Sandpaper – Pencil – Paint   Take the skewer,…

  • Combinations


    [latexpage] Fun Math for Girls By Kelly Tan Do you like taking school field trips? It would be fun, especially when you get to hang out with your friends. You could eat lunch together, go sightseeing with a group, and spend the day relaxing. Let’s say your mom is a chaperone, and can take 3…

  • Origami Strawberry Tutorial

    Origami Strawberry Tutorial

    This is my first video instruction post! I’ll be making an origami 3D strawberry using 9x9cm Strawberry Origami Folding Paper. The paper can be bought here: If you don’t feel like buying the paper, you can always get a piece of white paper and color it green on one side and red on the other.…

  • More Magic Tables

    More Magic Tables

    [latexpage] Fun Math for Girls By Kelly Tan Here are more magic tables filled with fun patterns to share with your friends or write down in your notebooks yourself.    1· 1 = 1  11· 11 = 121  111· 111 = 12321   1111· 1111 = 1234321  11111· 11111 = 123454321  111111· 111111 = 12345654321…

  • Permutations


    [latexpage] Fun Math for Girls By Kelly Tan Do you like making necklaces? It is a very interesting craft, and making necklaces with beads is easy. You can give these necklaces to friends as gifts or wear them yourself. It would be nice to make many different colored necklaces out of your collection of beads.…

  • Fibonacci Numbers

    Fibonacci Numbers

    Fun Math for Girls By Kelly Tan Do you like kittens? Bunnies? Guinea pigs? Puppies? They are cute and adorable. Wouldn’t it be fun to have lots of them, with many of them reproducing more each month? That would be very exciting. So, let’s start counting how many pairs of bunnies we will have after…

  • Positive and Negative

    Positive and Negative

    [latexpage] Fun Math for Girls By Kelly Tan You probably have many friends. You may be very close to some, while not as close to others. You may even have some enemies. Lets say Ashley is your friend, and Brenda is also friends with Ashley. Brenda is a friend of your friend, so you would…