Author: kelly618
[latexpage] Fun Math for Girls By Kelly Tan Playing ball games with your friends can be fun, but do you know how a volleyball, basketball, or even a ping pong ball travels in the air? When you throw a ball into the air, it will travel in an arc-shape. This arc is called a parabola,…
Mean, Median, Mode, and Range
[latexpage] Fun Math for GirlsBy Kelly Tan Do you like eating candy? Imagine if you and your 4 friends, Ashley, Brenda, Carol, and Diana, decide to bring some candy to share with each other. However, you guys don’t bring the same amount. Ashley brings 8 pieces, Brenda brings 3 pieces, Carol brings 12 pieces, Diana…
How do You Live in the Origizmo World?
You do this subconsciously every day. You stand up to brush your teeth and bend your head down to rinse your mouth. Ever wonder why do you need to do that? Welcome to the future world of origami-inspired gizmo living, where modern technology and wonders in chemistry, material and medical sciences, system engineering, and artificial…
What Happens if Nature Prefers Order?
Imagine a person jumps into a swimming pool. The energy of impact splashes water around and dissipates as heat. What happens if, by some chance, those water molecules collect their energy together and push the person back to the ground? Why didn’t nature do that? According to Law of Conservation of Energy, the energy is…
Through the Eyes of a Photographer
I scope out a location and raise my camera to frame the scene. My left hand turns the lens to focus the image while my right scrolls the command dial to change the shutter speed. I press the release button to freeze a moment in time. I signed up for a photography course at school…